If you are interested in learning more about the vine sky flower (Thunbergia grandiflora), go to http://statebystategardening.com/state.php/carolinas/articles/sky_flower_thunbergia_grandiflora/
Ovenproof Plants for Hot Herbaceous Borders
By PJ Gartin
1. Slide title: Introduction
2. Slide title: Site selection How much sun?
3. Slide title: Charleston's humidity
4. Slide title: Two plants that hate sprinklers
5. Vinca (Catharanthus roseus)
6. Vinca (C. roseus) Self-seeding annual
7. Pentas or Egyptian Star Flower (Pentas lanceolata) Annual
8. Pentas or Egyptian Star Flower (P. lanceolata)
9. Slide title: Same name, different look
10. Slide title: Plumbago
11. Plumbago (Plumbago auriculata and P. auriculata 'Alba') Perennial
12. Chinese plumbago (Ceratostigma willmottianum) Perennial
13. Chinese plumbago (C. willmottianum)
14. Slide title: Shrimp plant
15. Shrimp plant (Justica brandegeana) Perennial/annual
16. Shrimp plant (J. brandegeana)
17. Shrimp plant (J. brandegeana)
18. Yellow shrimp plant (Pachystachys lutea) Annual/perennial
19. Yellow shrimp plant (P. lutea)
20. Slide title: Succulents
21. Aloe (Aloe spp.) Annual or perennial depending on the species
22. Aloe (Aloe spp.) Annual or perennial depending on the species
23. Hens and Chicks (Echeveria spp.) Perennial
24. Hens and Chicks (E. spp.)
25. Purslane (Portulaca oleracea) Perennial weed
26. Portulaca ‘Yubi’ (P. oleracea ‘Yubi’) Annual/perennial
(Pop-up slide is a close-up of ‘Yubi’)
27. Moss rose, portulaca (P. grandiflora) Annual/perennial
28. Moss rose, portulaca (P. grandiflora)
29. Slide title: Vines
30. Sky flower (Thunbergia grandiflora) Annual/perennial
31. Sky flower (T. grandiflora) Go to http://statebystategardening.com/state.php/carolinas/articles/sky_flower_thunbergia_grandiflora/
32. Mandevilla (Mandevilla spp.) Annual
33. Mandevilla (Mandevilla spp.)
34. Tall and thin accessory plants
35. Texas star hibiscus (Hibiscus coccineus) Perennial/self-seeding annual
36. Texas star hibiscus (H. coccineus)
37. Slide title: Do you like okra blossoms? (Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus))
38. Abelmoschus (A. manihot) Annual
39. Slide title: Tall plants that need lots of space
40. Salvia madrensis (Salvia madrensis) Perennial
41. Salvia madrensis (S. madrensis)
42. Candlestick plant (Senna alata) Annual
43. Candlestick plant (S. alata)
Pop-up slide is a close-up of cassia or flowery senna (S. crymbosa), a woody ornamental
44. Brugmansia, angel’s trumpet (Brugmansia x candida) Perennial
45. Brugmansia, angel’s trumpet
46. Brugmansia, angel’s trumpet
47. Brugmansia, angel’s trumpet
48. Slide title: Gaining popularity (again)
49. Zinnia Zinnia elegans Annual
50. Zinnia (Z. elegans)
51. Marigold (Tagets spp.) Annual
52. Garden phlox (Phlox paniculata) Perennial
53. Garden phlox (P. paniculata)
54 Garden phlox (P. paniculata)
55. Gaillardia (Gaillardia spp.) Annual or perennial depending on species
56. Gaillardia (Gaillardia spp.)
57. Slide title: The best kept secret in Charleston
58. Mexicali rose (Clerodendrum bungei) Perennial
59. Musical note plant (C. incisum) Annual
60. Musical note plant (C. incisum)
61. Musical note plant (C. incisum)
62. Musical note plant (C. incisum)
63. Musical note plant (C. incisum)
64. Musical note plant (C. incisum)
Suggested Web Sites and References
Clemson’s Home and Garden Information Center
North Carolina State’s “Horticulture on the Internet”
The Gardeners’ Guide for Charleston and the Lowcountry. The Garden Club of Charleston.
Garden Guide to the Lower South. Trustees’ Garden Club, Savannah, Georgia.
askamg@hotmail.com • http://Pgartin.blogspot.com